It’s been mere weeks since New Year’s Eve, and I bet you a lot of us folks have already broken our resolutions. Eat less unhealthy food, go for organic, shed the pesky 20 pounds that’s been hounding you since 1996, stop smoking, pay off your credit cards on time, be a little less obnoxious… you know, things you resolve to do but never get around to actually doing.
Hungry for more!
Of all the resolutions, the hardest to do, I think, is eating less food. Especially for Filipinos… man, do we love to eat! And who can blame us? Go to any Filipino potluck house party and you’ll find enough food to feed an army. And what glorious food too! Imagine succulent lechon, all steaming and golden, the crispy skin making a snapping sound as you try to delicately pry it off. Or, what about that mountain of soft, tasty pancit that only your Auntie knows how to make? Let’s not even talk about your Uncle’s kaldereta, mildly spiced, saucy, and goes so well with one (or 5) cups of rice. Just thinking about it is making me drool. Sorry. Gross visual. But you can relate, right? Continue reading “What Does Your Favorite Filipino Food Say About You?”→